Hello World! I'm sorry we've been so absent again. I do actually have two blog posts, but this internet cafe computer says they are unidentifiable files...so we'll try again next week to clear the back log. Here's a quick note, and then next week, on to something really important: hair.
I had a wonderful trip recently to visit family in Alaska as my sister Irene was married. Oh, it was so nice to be with family again. I enjoyed them all very much, I enjoyed being in America too, but, contrary to local speculation, I did return to my family as planned. Do you know, a lot of our ward members, and even some of our friends and family members thought I wouldn't be coming back. When Emmanuel mentioned I'd traveled to the states, they thought I'd flown the coop! I guess that's the pattern here for Obroni's, they marry an African, come over for a while, become desperately homesick and tired of living here after a few months and then they leave. They may travel back and forth for a while trying to convince their husband's they still love them, just not their country.
Someday I will love this country.
I'm proud to report that my husband, my in-laws, and my children were not surprised when I returned. And hopefully I've earned a closer look from the locals who didn't expect to see me here again.
Ha ha ha! I wouldn't worry about you not returning if your children were still there :-)
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious!!