Monday, July 23, 2012

Everything Free in America...

Tomorrow I'll be flying back to the States! My wonderful, amazing, ecstatic sister is getting married and my parents have been so kind to fly me back.
I like to be in America!
OK by me in America!
Everything in America!
For a small fee in America....
I think that song each time I talk about my trip. The few times I've sung it out loud people look at me weird, they've never  heard it before...
Every time I mention to someone here that I'll be traveling to the States they all say, without fail, "Oh, ok, I'll be in your suitcase." If they are someone I don't know very well (like the vegetable seller at the market), they say "Ok, what are you bringing back for me?" Social interaction is funny in Africa. I think they are joking but I also know when I buy vegetables after I get back she's going to act offended and pout.

Things I'm looking forward to: 
Seeing my Family again(!!!)
Being with my family when we go to the temple with my sister
Feeling a little chilly
Taking a long shower (I'll probably feel really guilty doing it)
Grilled cheese sandwiches on whole wheat bread
Cooking American food without seriously expensive ingredients (parmesan cheese is about $15-20 a lb.)
Hearing english on the radio
Coming back to Ghana and being happy to be here!


  1. Oh my gosh Natasha...I was TOTALLY able to relate to this blog entry...haha = ) I'm SO happy for you!!!! Have a blast!!!!...and see you soon! = )

  2. And I'm so excited that I saw the link to your blog on Facebook because I've wanted to check it out so many times and haven't been able to remember the address = /

  3. Natasha, i LOVE reading your blogs! It is so very interesting! We miss you so much! Steph Haderlie
