Friday, February 24, 2012

Things to be thankful for...

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, our internet service has been down for the last week. But we are doing well! Last time I called home and talked with my parents I think I disappointed my husband a little with my complaining. I think I reminded him of a friend that visited him in Ghana who wouldn't be satisfied with any effort to make her comfortable; she just couldn't be happy. I know being grateful helps us be happy, so here are some of the many things I'm grateful for here in Ghana:

1. My family, especially extended family who live close by and I can enjoy their comapny and depend on their guidance to keep the ignorant American from breaking too many taboos.
2. Our strong healthy bodies. No one has had Malaria (been here almost a month and only been to see the doctor once!!), typhoid, yellow fever, stepped on nails, or picked up some weird intestinal worm (actually I probably wouldn't know that one yet). That is very much a blessing, since the medicines are all different from what I've ever heard of.
3. The electricity, running water, air conditioning that we do have, even though it's limited, it's amazing how disabled I am during a power outage, and I'm very glad we only have those once a week.
4. The lovely warm weather, I don't have to worry about getting cold. Ever. Unless I leave the air conditioner on in my sleep.
5. The plenteous food (which I usually am not cooking, since the kitchen staff who cook for the school canteen live in our apartment complex and have been happy to share with our family).
6. Lots of good work to do. This week Dante has been in school and I've been helping with my husband. It's been good to lose ourselves in the vision of where we want the school to grow to. We are so focused on the school here that sometimes I'm tempted to say in the evening, "Lets talk about something other than the school..." but I have a feeling we won't be able to think of anything else to talk about.
7. Reassurance from God that he still knows where we are, what we need to do, and is certainly still available to help guide us...if I'm listening.
8. My kindle. I love that thing. So do Iris and Dante.

And here are some things you should be thankful for:
1. Go and turn on your water tap. Let it run for a minute to get nice and cold. Turn it up to higher pressure and enjoy watching it shoot from the faucet. Fill a glass and take a long, cold, fresh tasting drink. That drink probably didn't cost very much and it was probably very satisfying. And you don't have to worry about getting Typhoid from it.
2. Next time you use a public restroom, feel grateful for the toilet paper available, the soap, the paper towels. Public toilets here are usually missing all of the above here. Most people carry a little bit of soap and toilet paper in their purse.
3. Your public library.


  1. I check your blog every day for an update! I'm glad to hear thongs ate well, but we miss you. Take care & know you are in our prayers.

  2. Wow! Thanks for pointing out the obvious things that we take for granted here in the states. P.S. Thanks for the treats for our Relief Society Activity this month!!

    1. Hi Teri! Glad I could help...did you guys use up the food storage I gave or something?

  3. You guys are incredible, and you are doing amazing work. This post has helped me remember to be more grateful.
